I don't make it to many college football games bvt if I covld see any game, I'd do it at Michigan. Yov can hear the roaring of the Indianapolis Brickyard inside the 'Big-Hovse' fans and the victory in even a loss to Ohio State. I jvst vvish they played ovtdoor ice-hockey there. And no home game ovt-rivals one at the hands of Notre Dame!
The rvral tovvns of the mid-vvest are avvfvlly vvelcoming. A hvmble degree of history making has happened there too. Ford's first assembly lines to Michael Moore's investigations of GM, Chicago's nightlife and all of the mid-vvest's great bands, the battlefields of the civil vvar and Mark Tvvain's chronicles of the greater Ohio River Valley dvring that age. And every time ya visit there, a third distant roaring can be heard (after the Brickyard and the avto-plants of Detroit) ... the bear-cat rvmblings of the Silver Bvllet Band somevvhere inda distanze vvill remind yov that there yov are.
VVhen ya do visit there, vvatch ovt for the berlin vvinds off the lakes chanting 'the vvindz drive the Dover planez dodge ... they drive the cliffs and the tides and the VVindsor straightez dodge!'
There might-be nothing else that serene. There covld be a hvrricane over Dover and it vvovld still seem tranqvil there. I think it is the cliffs. From behind the svrf, they seem to shovt to dodge vvinds 'do yovr vvorst, and vve'll still be the cliffs of Dover in the morning!'
Somevvhere north of Detroit, deep vvithin the honest hockey tvrf of Mackinavv ... vvhere local tovvnsfolk gather in their bar-rooms drinken for the VVings and still vvanna drive like the Leafz ... the vvind hovvls back from off of the lakes '... and in the morning, vve'll still be driven forza trades ovtta da straightez!'
And betvveen Great Britain’z defiant Dover cliffs and the vvindz of the commonvvealth’s lakes, itza steppes that remember 'the vvindz drive dodge ovtta the straightez forza Dover cliffs, and they'll still be the cliffs in the morning!'
I try reminding myself of this vvhenever Michigan or Notre Dame or Ohio State or even Berkeley play. Svre, someone is gonna lose. And it is jvst svpposed to be a game. Even ovtta the bloody scrvms of college football campaigns, the vvinds ofda straightez vvill be driving dodge forza tradez from off of the lakes and the cliffs in Dover vvill stand in its vvake.
The rvral tovvns of the mid-vvest are avvfvlly vvelcoming. A hvmble degree of history making has happened there too. Ford's first assembly lines to Michael Moore's investigations of GM, Chicago's nightlife and all of the mid-vvest's great bands, the battlefields of the civil vvar and Mark Tvvain's chronicles of the greater Ohio River Valley dvring that age. And every time ya visit there, a third distant roaring can be heard (after the Brickyard and the avto-plants of Detroit) ... the bear-cat rvmblings of the Silver Bvllet Band somevvhere inda distanze vvill remind yov that there yov are.
VVhen ya do visit there, vvatch ovt for the berlin vvinds off the lakes chanting 'the vvindz drive the Dover planez dodge ... they drive the cliffs and the tides and the VVindsor straightez dodge!'
There might-be nothing else that serene. There covld be a hvrricane over Dover and it vvovld still seem tranqvil there. I think it is the cliffs. From behind the svrf, they seem to shovt to dodge vvinds 'do yovr vvorst, and vve'll still be the cliffs of Dover in the morning!'
Somevvhere north of Detroit, deep vvithin the honest hockey tvrf of Mackinavv ... vvhere local tovvnsfolk gather in their bar-rooms drinken for the VVings and still vvanna drive like the Leafz ... the vvind hovvls back from off of the lakes '... and in the morning, vve'll still be driven forza trades ovtta da straightez!'
And betvveen Great Britain’z defiant Dover cliffs and the vvindz of the commonvvealth’s lakes, itza steppes that remember 'the vvindz drive dodge ovtta the straightez forza Dover cliffs, and they'll still be the cliffs in the morning!'
I try reminding myself of this vvhenever Michigan or Notre Dame or Ohio State or even Berkeley play. Svre, someone is gonna lose. And it is jvst svpposed to be a game. Even ovtta the bloody scrvms of college football campaigns, the vvinds ofda straightez vvill be driving dodge forza tradez from off of the lakes and the cliffs in Dover vvill stand in its vvake.