Tuesday, April 20, 2010

vvhen ya need a cave-man

Sometimes a story takes-on an element of survival. There must have even been a few stories of survival that have been lost or buried under layers of time. When I think about those lost stories I wonder, how much luck is at work in destiny? Especially for a race like ours. We are a pretty adaptable species but for all our gifts we need-to be cunning. We aren’t solitary hunters like most big-cats are. We are really more dog-like. But even though we are pack-hunters too, we aren’t distinctively predators. It’s almost a niche. While the bears and the dogs and the big-cats survive on their skills, we depend-on our tools.
Our story of survival begins with man-kind as the ‘game’. The wilder animals had already established their niches and left us to catch-up. We abandoned the plains and took-to the shelter of the forests. We must have grown-up some there because when we re-emerged as ground-dwellers we were ready for tools and fire. Tool crafting became a science. If tools could be “fashioned out of locally available raw materials”, they could level the playing-field. (Gamble – 286) We’ve still looked-over our shoulders for the bigger hunters but we had finally inherited a little bit of domain. We couldn’t venture far from our tools or fires but we finally had a strong-hold.
Tribes grew and colonized new turf and our race began to develop some culture. Dialects and cultural specialization distinguished one clan from another. Eventually, the resources of the sub-continent struggled to hold us all. There was still wilderness to the north. Clans broke-up and those willing to take-on big-game headed to the middle-east. “The Aurochs, or European-bison, appears to have been abundant in Western Europe.” (Avebury – 299) But, not all of the clans followed game to Europe. The exodus passed through the middle-east and then on to either the far-east or Gaul (western-central Europe), or to the steppes in the north between them. There aren’t many big settlements in the steppes of Eurasia, unlike the more ‘cosmopolitan’ frontiers to the east or west. I get the feeling that medicine (maybe because the far-east is the birthplace of gun-powder) was studied in the far-east. The euro-frontier was more industrial. Flint was quarried and knapped and turned into heavy tools and weapons.
The frontiers also turned their residents hard. While the tribes who remained behind in the south became more refined, the frontier clans evolved into brutish stock. Both the climate and game they hunted demanded it. But the whole race suffered from isolation. The generations of regional adaptation led to incompatibility. There really isn’t proof of the extent of the incompatibility. The proof we have just indicates competition among the breeds. I’m a romantic. I like to think that we preserved the best characteristics of all our ancestors. The competition is undeniable but genetic evidence is more subtle. If those early breeds of man-kind did merge, they didn’t advertise it.
Again the resources in the subcontinent ran short and new tribes moved-in from the south. These rival stone-age hunters were “still motivated by traditions they had inherited from the hunting communities of the Upper Paleolithic.” (Wymer - 268) There would have been some turf-wars. But, if anything could reunite the long-isolated clans it would-be trade or a hunt. Were our primitive ancestors capable of hunting in cooperation. There would have been a technological revolution if they had shared their knowledge on the subject. They may have been more likely to have traded between themselves. The material record just doesn’t decisively show proof of the technological-revolution that would accompany a more invested endeavor like cooperative-hunts. But, somewhere after they had settled their turf-wars they must have exchanged some material-culture.
Eventually, the archaic tribes of Europe were overrun by their modern counterparts. The culture of the Neanderthals was replaced by the customs and technology of the Cro-Magnon tribes that succeeded them. Europe wasn’t the wilderness it once was. The climate was more hospitable and the frontier had been explored. And whatever happened to Europe’s original settlers has been a mystery ever since. I keep waiting for proof that the Neanderthal bloodline carries-on in the populations of their old realms. It might be a pretty recessive trait, all but lost through the generations. At least until someone needs a cave man.

Trade VVindz

Singapore is maybe the most unique nation in the far-east. It is a modern city-state. It doesn’t have a lot of autonomous history before the end of colonialism in the region. Before that it was Malayan turf. Situated at the tip of the Malay peninsula, it is the prime spot for sea-borne trade. To the west lie the straights of Malacca and the Indian Ocean. South is Indonesia. North along the coastline is mainland Asia. And to the east beyond the Philippines waits the Pacific. It may have had to wait for trans-oceanic navigation to arrive before it could really grow-up but I imagine Singapore must have been a solid (albeit quaint) port in early maritime history too. That’s what drew me to cover Singapore in the first place. Any kid from a Navy home inherits a healthy admiration for its tradition. There’s something about docks that remind me of home. And no other docks are so fabled.
Once upon a time it would have been more like a fishing village than a trade-hub. But, as maritime industry progressed so did the importance of Singapore’s location. By medieval times it had emerged as a chief maritime player. The British utilized its harbors during colonial rule in the Pacific Rim. These days the port of Singapore is renowned in some circles as the best set of docks in the trades. They might very well be the toughest. The entire island-nation is no bigger than Los Angeles or San Francisco counties, and Singapore’s docks probably do more shipping than LAX and SFO combined. Of course, the port of Singapore oversees shipping operations beyond its local docks. Such a rich history in shipping has developed into a role as an operations-broker. Less experienced ports seek advice from Singapore before upgrading their own operations. In return Singapore gains a working relationship with the smaller ports that support the trade-business.
Another distinction unique to Singapore may be its history with colonialism. In a region that saw so many failures among imperial colonies and their governing bodies, colonial Singapore may have been the exception. The British were a fairly late arrival to Malay. The Dutch were already in Indonesia and the Portuguese still had some influence in Malaysia from their sea-empire when Britain and the British East Indies Company moved-in to Singapore. Earlier influence came from feudal Malay. According to legend, the first settlement was built by a Srivijayan prince. It still retains a Malaccan influence, but has become distinctively Singaporean. In many ways the early empires didn’t leave a colony behind. Instead, Singapore gets its identity from industry. There are signs of European culture but not like what the Dutch left behind in their colonies. Of course sometimes it seems like business is the only custom on the yards of the port of Singapore. I think trade gives us all a common form of culture and Singapore is among its representatives.
When the Malay peninsula was a quieter place it was predominantly Malaccan. Now, it is ethnically Chinese. The local population is still present but with such a major interest in regional business it was bound to draw settlers from mainland markets. And anyone interested in working in shipping wants the experience they can get on Singapore’s docks. So these days Singapore has a make-up like the world’s other industrial trade centers. It must be a competitive place. Like the streets of New York. Maybe it’s not quiet the same as N.Y.C. but I think that the same kind of opportunism is present there. It might be more like San Francisco, though. Demography only goes so far in demonstrating cultural dynamics. On paper, New York and San Francisco might be similar in ethnic diversity and the size/age of the work-force. But the ethnic differences that give San Francisco its character just make New York hostile. So, I’d have a hard time describing the actual customs in Singapore without seeing them firsthand. In the bigger ports the only thing you can count-on is a fast pace.
Singapore’s importance in the trade-industry has ensured that it remains a modern nation. All the business that depends on its ports as it passes through guarantees that Singapore will keep up with technology. But politically it is kind of a regional lightweight. China is still the political authority for the far-east. With China’s massive military and central government, nations like Singapore negotiate with China based on their industrial clout. There just aren’t many nations who can strong-arm China. Political relationships in the far-east can be delicate. Singapore and China share customs and geography but western markets need Singapore’s docks for access to Asian markets. As a result, Singapore must be diplomatic with both its neighbors and business partners. Singapore practices a one-party parliamentary government and while not a pure democracy it is never the less a bastion of free-market capitalism.
I’m not what I’d call a ‘capitalist’ but I’d never do capitalism the justice that Singapore could, either. It is one of maybe a handful of nations that functions as a municipality. Education and health-care is as socialized as European government. I’ve compared it to the district of Columbia before but it is actually more industrious. Like Detroit would have been if it had ever been on a trade-route. I suppose it’s a lot like an international version of PDX. One day I might find-out for myself but it’s good to be in Portland in the meantime. I guess that’s where I’ll be until the streets of Singapore need me more. But, I’ve always been more at-home on the streets than I would-be in the trades. My old-man even knows where-to look-for me there.
Singapore’s unique position as trades-broker is what ultimately defines it. There aren’t many industries (that aren’t localized) that don’t have business there. There aren’t many exports that don’t need its access to Asia or imports that don’t clear its docks. Even Japanese business (with its own legitimate shipping fleets) cannot match Singapore’s maritime capabilities. They are a lot like Marines. If it needs to be mobilized, they’re up-to it. Singapore seems content in its role as ‘delivery boy’. Singapore’s ships operate in some heavy, hostile seas. They spend more of their time avoiding a fight then they do starting-one. But, fights aren’t always easy to avoid. I have got a lot of respect for that. There are better things to do than to pick a fight. And Singapore keeps a lot of business going in the process. It must be a cool place to land on shore-leave.
There never has been a shortage of action in Singapore. All of Malay seems to like a party. From the south coast of China (Hong Kong + Macau) through Thailand and Malay and beyond the straights into Java and Indonesia, the maritime-trade centers are known for their nightlife. Once upon a time they were pretty lawless. Singapore is somewhat of an exception. It never was the roughest port in the trades. And some of the rougher ports have gotten tamer than they were a generation ago. But the region is still a popular destination for gamblers. That regional image lends to Singapore’s identity. At the same time that it is driven by honest trade business it is also part renegade.
Singapore doesn’t have the production capability that Japan does but has modernized alongside it. That’s pretty good company. Japan prides itself on its industrial potential. In the future, you can expect Singapore to remain a hub of trade. It won’t be generating much trade. But, it will still be facilitating it. Other than tourism and the skilled labor force, Singapore is kind of resource-poor. That is often the case for island-nations. I guess it takes a continent to ensure that resource needs are met.
On the other side of Malay rest the resources of Sino-Asia. There are some throughout Indonesia also. No-one else brings it together like Singapore can with its docks though. As mighty as they are they still rely on maritime trade. We could use the work stateside too. Like a revival of the auto-industry. I think Detroit still knows enough about putting folks on the road to make a good partner with Singapore. Between the two of them a pair of continents could drive more people to work.
That depends on extra-regional politics though. Like I mentioned earlier, Singapore’s devotion to its docks means they have to answer to prevailing diplomacies and their impact on industry and trade. As of now, China and the U.S. are really almost rivals. If their markets open to more cooperative efforts like forecasts have been promising, Singapore could get caught in the middle of it. As much as I’d like to work those docks for that I would almost rather be on a line in ‘Mo-Town’ then. If things go well, I suppose Singapore (and Malay) might become a bona-fide player in international politics. In many ways it would be a good role for the maritime nation. It always has brokered exchange between markets. And China and the United States both stand to make mutual gains through cooperation. There might be some jealous parties in other parts of the world but no-one really loses in the offer.
‘Pacific Century’ describes Singapore as a ‘new Asian capitalist’. Along with the other ‘newly industrialized economies’. Mainland Sino-Asia is likely to be a people’s social economy for the near future, but they are becoming capitalistic in a soviet way. They seem to have discovered how profit can benefit the state. ‘Pacific Century’ goes on to credit some of Singapore’s industrial potential to Britain’s colonial efforts. Not that imperialism is without its faults but according to ‘Pacific Rim’ author Mark Borthwick, Singapore has “benefited from the early development of commercial and educational infrastructure” that colonialism left behind (pg. 267). Singapore might have been a quieter sea-port if it hadn’t been influenced by the British Empire. Instead it is caught-up in international trade. And it still has a rustic quality in spite of the speed at which it can take care of business.
Business in Singapore moves on through prevailing social climates. While some markets might be more forgiving than others, Singapore continues to drive trade between nations. Not really as a diplomat but as a broker. And an honest broker, as far as trade-drivers go. If trade-business were to dry-up Singapore might go back to being a sleepy little fishing village. But it would still be a welcomed harbor to anyone needing shelter from the sea. Maybe Singapore has some sort of understanding with the oceans. In exchange for favorable winds, Singapore fosters the exchange of culture across the seas and remains devoted to its traditions. In pursuit of a fair trade wind that is next to make landfall.

Nevv VVorld Covvboys

Spanish Legacy

For their role in Columbia’s development I think the new-world is in debt to Spain. Spain proved to be one of the more lasting influences upon it. Actually, if I had to pick one culprit throughout the world’s colonial history it would probably have-to be the Dutch regimes. They almost seem to have made everyone-else look even worse. All over the world Dutch colonial traditions have led to political disasters. And the Dutch didn’t even have much of a presence in the new-world (in spite of New York’s Dutch roots). But, some of their rivalries made their way here via France, Britain and Spain. Warring between those three for supremacy on the continent resulted in most of Columbia’s historical-conflict.
Spain was in some ways Columbia’s steward. At the time of Spanish conquest, European policy was ruthless toward other cultures. All of Europe’s major powers scrambled to occupy distant lands in the name of discovery. Spain stormed onto the continents of the new-world and seized power over most of Columbia. Their immediate impact was brutal. But they may have proven to be less abusive in the long-term than Columbia’s other two foreign-occupants (the Russians and Dutch having never really been ‘occupants’), France and Britain. The missions that colonial Spain left in the new-world still provide a sense of community to their surrounding areas. And the missions are important for reminding us of Columbia’s history before our arrival.
Spain is ultimately responsible for its role in occupying the new-world. Any of the other colonial empires were just as capable of that kind of exploitation if they had gotten to Columbia first instead. In some ways, Spain just had the misfortune of beaten them to it. After the Spanish empire settled-in they treated Columbia like a new home (which is what distinguishes Spain’s impact from France or Britain’s). And I think Spain remains burdened with Columbia until it is free from foreign interests.

British Influence

We subscribe to a predominantly ‘anglo’ culture in the states. It’s no wonder there is a significant British presence on the continent. From the nation’s founders to the commonwealth to the north, Britain has contributed to our way of life. ‘British’ makes a better culture than it does rule. I think our patriots felt the same way. The British are a fairly academic race. Some of (probably both) the motives behind the Revolutionary War are based on British principles. There was some distinctively non-British dissent, too. Everyone knows the story, British taxation was too high and we declared sovereignty (in a not altogether un-British way). Britain decided not to give-up it’s colonies without a fight and colonial Labrador went to war. When it was over the United States had been forged.
We tried (like many immigrants do) to adopt a new identity. And frontier-Labrador demanded we do, to some extent. We traded some culture with native tribes and some with French hunters. Spain was too far away from colonial Labrador to influence our customs much from Mexico. Later waves of immigrants brought customs of their own but British customs remained the standard even as they merged with the rest. Even after the war, Britain remained an influence on our customs with the Hudson’s Bay Company and their trades with locals. The company’s success at Fort Vancouver encouraged settlement of the Northwest. British culture had spanned a new continent.
Britain isn’t quite what I’d call ‘opportunistic’ but it has remained a close enough ally to come to our aid when it benefits Britain. I guess its presence can still be felt in its North American commonwealth. But, I think it has been a while since Britain really involved itself in continental policy. It’s Britain’s distance that makes it an absentee landlord. Its interest in Columbia has always been limited to Columbia’s resources and not Columbia’s development. That is a trademark of an island nation. Island nations and their empires (like Britain and Japan) are usually resource-poor. And an undeveloped continent like North America makes a good target for their ambitions. Our patriots decided to reject its rule but British customs are friendlier to Columbia’s residents. It has a minimal effect on the landscape but in subtle ways still influences how Columbia looks.


After the revolution, our nation only had a share of the continent. There was still plenty of unexplored territory though. Baja wasn’t undiscovered. The Spanish already had settlements on the Pacific at southern Baja. The British had overland routes to the pacific but hadn’t exploited the Northwest’s harbors south of British Columbia. It was not until Astoria was established that British ships really docked off of Oregon’s shores. Jefferson knew he had an exposed-flank between Mexico and British Columbia. There was also a growing trade-market on the Pacific. Settling the territory would serve a defensive and economic purpose. Lewis and Clark were chosen to lead the ‘corps of Discovery’ overland to Oregon and survey the frontier.
The corps of Discovery was joined by native-guides and skirted the badlands to the head-waters of the Columbia river. The northwest’s native tribes were both peaceful and industrious. The corps of Discovery made the easy trip down-river without much trouble. The expedition wintered in Clatsop county and returned with their observations. The president decided it was time to expand and opened the west to settlers. The resources of the West led to most of its development. SFO and LAX’s growth justified railroads and upon their completion Jefferson’s vision was realized. The world’s two great oceans were now linked.
The founders of the United States are tough competition. But sometimes they distinguish themselves. Jefferson’s pursuit of a transcontinental nation distinguishes him from even Franklin, sometimes. The nation has been able to serve as an intermediary between the continents of the Pacific and Atlantic because of it. It demonstrates the West Coast’s importance as a maritime-hub, in-spite of its rocky coastlines. And accounts for the fondness held for it by locals.

‘Where have all da Cowboys Gone?’

Baja has always been ‘romanticized’. It seems to be untamable. Its residents are expected to live by the West’s rules. It even turns its visitors into ‘cowboys’. So what does the future hold for its cowboys? Its deep-water ports will need them for trade across the Pacific. And with significant trade its railroads could again serve the continents interiors. Vacation-destinations might still lie south of LAX and north of the Cascades, between there Baja is almost more likely to put any vacationers to work. But on the weekends the mountains and coast are open-for-business. I guess even cowboys ‘work for the weekend’.
That might be Baja’s real legacy. In return for its scenic wilderness, Baja expects its cowboys to keep-it up. The West is likely to drive away urbanites like a cowboy that don’t-belong in the city. Those who are upto it have got some work ahead of them. A lot of that work resides in environmental-legislation and that policy’s implementation. That might mean jobs for mechanics if emissions becomes a priority in legislation. And of course, the agriculture that drives the West’s economy.
I’m a ‘romantic’. I like to think that the West ain’t been broken for a reason. All of Columbia has a way of being wild. But the West alone could give the rest of Columbia a good bar-fight. I guess that’s become a cliché, but I’ve got a weakness for good bar-fights.